Services We Provide

Cervical Smears

Cervical smears are booked with the practice nurse according to the national screening guidelines.



Childhood Immunisations

Start at two months of age.

Your child will receive an appointment via the Child Health. Appointments can be made with the practice nurse to have your child immunised, if an injection is missed due to illness.

Child immunisations clinics are generally held on Thursdays.

The doctors and health visitors are available to discuss any queries.


Community Nurses

Deal with all aspects of nursing at home and provide a 24 hour nursing service. The district nurses arrange packages of care and co-ordinate Hospital at Home and Rapid Response as appropriate. They arrange for loan of equipment such as commodes, mattresses and other aids.


Doctor Training

We are an approved training practice for the Peterborough Vocational Training Scheme for General Practitioners. Fully qualified doctors from this scheme join us every six to twelve months. Some surgeries may be recorded on video. This will only be done with your prior consent and signature and the information obtained will only be seen by doctors. The Practice is an approved teaching practice for Cambridge and Leicester medical schools and at certain times medical students undertake some training here. Consent is always obtained from patients prior to a consultation if a medical student is present.



ear syringing

Ear Syringing

The numbers of patients requiring ear syringing is increasing. As a result of this the amount of nurse time taken up to do this is limiting appointments being made available for other things.

Ear wax is a common problem which can be easily managed at home with simple measures. 

Ear Syringing can be fairly traumatic to the lining of the ear canal and can lead to infections and pain.
Therefore we are encouraging patients to use an over the counter remedy such as:

  • Self syringing kits like the Otex Combi which breaks up and disperses ear wax, is much gentler and is easy to use.


  • Sodium Bicarbonate or Otex Ear Drops- these ear drops are used to soften dry or hardened earwax.

If neither remedy works for you then syringing is still available.


Family Planning

The full range of family planning services and pregnancy counselling are available including emergency contraception. Contraceptive services can be offered to patients of other practices, if necessary. Appointments and consultations are completely confidential at any age.


GP Carers Prescription Service

Are you caring for someone?

A carer spends a significant proportion of their life providing unpaid support to family or potentially friends. This could be caring for a relative, partner or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health problems.

If you would like to find out more about the new, free Carers Prescription then speak to one of our Care Coordinators.


Home Visits

Home visits are time consuming for the doctor so please try to attend the surgery if at all possible. Reception will require details so that the doctors can plan their visits and if possible telephone before 10.00 a.m.



Peterborough, Huntingdon, Stamford and Cambridge are the main hospitals used. Private medical facilities are provided at the Fitzwilliam Hospital, Peterborough.



Midwives advise on all aspects of pregnancy and delivery and visits the home regularly in the days following a birth.

Please refer yourself to the midwife via:

All women need to  take folic acid before & during pregnancy. 

Those living with diabetes, epilepsy or excess weight (known as obesity) need to take prescribed 5mg folic acid daily.

This NHS tool may be helpful:


Non NHS Examinations

Insurance medicals, HGV and Pre-employment medicals can be arranged by appointment. A fee will be charged in accordance with the British Medical Association's recommendations. The receptionist will book the appointment and advise the fee to be paid. Often a double appointment is required with both the nurse and the doctor. It is important to ensure that the relevant documentation is available in the surgery prior to any appointment.

For a copy of the fees please see here.



Holds regular clinics to treat foot problems in certain patients. GP referrals are now limited to people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes. There is a private service available and details are available at reception.


Seeing A Nurse

Appointments can be made for the Nurse Practitioner as for the Doctor. Nurse Practitioners are able toexamine, treat and prescribe as necessary, or refer directly to the Doctor, depending on the severity of the illness. They are able to give repeat medication and sick notes as required, as they are also able to refer to X-ray, physiotherapy and other clinics.


Practice Nurse Clinics

May be seen by appointment for advice and treatment and also deal with minor casualty cases. Clinics takeplace for diabetes, asthma, COPD, CVD, immunisations, travel advice, family planning, and cervical smears.

seeing a nurse

They assist in minor operations such as removing cysts and moles and with casualties. Advice and treatment are available for the following conditions:

  • Cystitis/urine infection
  • Thrush
  • Earache
  • Sore throats
  • Minor ailment advice
  • Coughs and colds

stop smoking help

Stop Smoking Help

You are four times more likely to quit with help from the NHS.

Please ring reception on 01733 240478 to arrange an appointment. The following website may also help you:

For help and advice: Ring 0800 018 4304 or visit 


Take Your Own Blood Pressure Reading

We have a 'Do your own Blood Pressure' machine.

This is very simple to operate with easy to use instructions. When the measurement is complete it will automatically print out your reading. Please write your name on the back and return your reading to Reception where it will be entered onto your Medical Records.


Test Results

The results of tests are received in the surgery at varying times. If the result is abnormal, unexpected or further treatment is required, we will contact you by letter or telephone. If the result is normal you will not be contacted. 



Travel Vaccinations

If you're planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world. Vaccinations are available to protect you against many travel-related infections, such as typhoid and hepatitis A.

You don't always need vaccinations to travel abroad. If you do, the type of travel jabs you need depends on which country you're visiting and what you're doing.

If travelling to Europe please look on the Fit for Travel Website where you will find all the information you need on the Fit for Travel website.

travel vaccinations

Please  complete Travel questionnaire on Anima or ask for a paper copy at the Reception desk; one has to be completed for each person who is travelling. When completed return to reception and they will give you an appointment with one of our nurses to discuss and give you the vaccinations required for your destination.

If vaccinations are required then please contact Reception who will make you an appointment to attend one of our clinics.

Please allow at least 6 weeks before you are due to travel, because some vaccinations need to be given well in advance to allow your body to develop immunity and some involve multiple doses spread over several weeks.

Please note that travel vaccinations and antimalarials are a chargeable service. Details of charges are available here.



Young Person Booster Immunisations

Booster immunisations are recommended to all patients at sixteen years of age. Other advice may also be appropriate at that time.