Patient Group Minutes of Meeting, Reports and Surveys

If you would like to see minutes from previous meetings, please contact us.


PPG Minutes: 8th July 2024


  • Paul Underwood – Chair
  • Pam Jones – Vice-Chair/Secretary
  • Eric Hitchcock
  • Peter Curtis
  • Dr Jas Bhari – GP Partner, Lakeside Healthcare at Yaxley
  • Aija Selby – GP Partner, Lakeside Healthcare at Yaxley
  • Plus members x 9 


  • Anna Prendergast, David Porteious

1. Minutes of previous meeting



2. Matters arising from minutes 

None noted


3. Guest speaker – Libby Swannell-Bell

Shared Lives DASV Project Co-ordinator on Domestic Violence from Cambridgeshire County Council

Libby manages adult aspect of Domestic abuse and learning disabilities.

It is a very sensitive topic. Libby offered to discuss individually afterwards with anyone if they didn’t want to ask something in front of the group.

What is domestic abuse? Most people who experience domestic abuse will experience more than one of the following;

Sexual abuse (includes rape, tampering with contraceptives), emotional abuse (how you feel), pychological abuse (about brain function), physical abuse, technical abuse (hacking or restricting emails, texts, social media, find my phone apps, Apple tags, stalking, tracking etc), financial abuse

Emotional abuse can reinforce psychological abuse when repeated over a period of time, commonly termed gaslighting. 

DASH risk assessments are a set of questions to assess whether someone is at imminent risk of domestic homicide. Enables being able to put safety measures in place. Weapons aren’t restricted to knives and guns, can include phones, keys, plates etc.
When outside world looks in, behaviours can look normal, eg a Ring Doorbell, but behind closed doors it can be about monitoring someone’s movements etc.

If it is abuse from a best friend, that is not domestic abuse as they are not related to you Housemate is not covered under the legislation, but is covered under other legislation.  May be abusive behaviour, but isn’t domestic abuse. 

Domestic household is not domestic abuse. Intimate partner/ex intimate partner or family member are only people covered under legislation. 

Domestic abuse and learning disability – Women with learning disabilities, autism or both are 3 times more likely to experience domestic abuse than their non-disabled peers (ONS 2021) no figures been collated for men at this stage.

ONS 2022 reported 1 in 10 (10.3%) disabled people aged 16 and over in England & Waled experienced domestic abuse. 

2021 The Us Too carried out survey amongst women and girls with learning disabilities and/or autism.

100% didn’t know how to contact their local domestic abuse service. 24% thought it is ok of their partner assaults them, if they say sorry and buy them chocolates.

Project Libby involved with provides statutory requirement to provide safe accommodation with learning disabilities. Currently only 1 place in the country and that is in London. The Cambs & Peterborough Safe Accommodation Needs Assessment identified gaps in safe accommodation for those with needs. 

Shared Lives model has carers open up their homes supporting those who want to live independently in their community with the support of a family and community network.

Can be temporary for respite or can be a permanent move in. Carers are upskilled to support their needs. CQC registered and receive domestic abuse training. 

A chance to increase self esteem, a chance to access specialised support and have care and support needs addressed at the same time as support as a survivor whilst learning acceptable boundaries and healthy relationships. Is a break from abuse, which can have been ongoing or could have been many years ago. 

Shared Lives Domestic Carer approval process takes 3-6 months. Is akin to adult fostering. Once approved, they will be matched with someone who needs support. Need to be far enough away from abuser so they aren’t running into each other. Is a paid role and tax free, similar to fostering. 

Special considerations. Is only medium and standard risk as determined by DASH risk indicator that come under Shared Lives Domestic Abuse project. 
Abuser must not know who carer is and where they live.

Ongoing recruitment of carers. Just finishing year one of the project. Referrals into the project must come from a professional (eg GP, clinician) and is fully funded. Provide day support, respite and Long-Term support. 

If someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, first port of call is listen to and believe them. Keep the door open to them to come back to you. Cambs & Pboro domestic abuse support service (DASS) can be contacted. 0300 373 1073 or via their website

If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 999

Paul Underwood – overviewed PPG project. Our terms of reference include fundraising for equipment and patient benefit. We have started a project called HOPE How to Overcome the Perpetrator 4Ever. Advised of support group being set up and will be advertised with posters. 


4. Items for discussion/correspondence

  • Questions & Answers posed prior to this meeting posted on PPG FB page and on noticeboard.
  • PPG fundraising, have raised £5,000 this year so far and purchased
  • 1x wood lamp (for diagnosing skin conditions)
  • 1 x clinical grade paediatric oximeter
  • 10x finger pulse oximeters, infant to adult
  • 2 x 24 hour ECG machines
  • 1 x Cobas machine (diagnose DVT and pulmonary embolisms to reduce need to go to A&E) 
  • Children woollen gloves free to patients
  • Easter mugs for children

Many thanks to all who have so kindly donated and made a real difference to our patients’ lives


5. Practice Report

Aija Selby. Patient satisfaction survey results

We would like to thank 1,244 patients who completed our Patient Survey in March this year.

Increased response rate from previous year, due to all patients being sent a survey link via SMS.

The survey showed improvements in all areas, when compared to the previous year’s results, including to the number of patients who took part. There was a 3% increase in those finding it easy to contact us while telephone waiting times have improved with 74% of calls answered within ten minutes. 77% of respondents said they had been offered an appointment and 58% of appointments were face to face, a 3% increase on the previous year.

Patient satisfaction in 2024 was higher in seven key measures including being happy with staff, their treatment and the advice they received. Patients were very positive about recommending the practice to others.

After carefully analysing the survey results and patient feedback, we are taking the following actions to address issues raised:

  • Commence a trial of a call-back function on the telephone system during busy times, which should mean less waiting in queues.
  • Enhance confidentiality in reception by introduction of printed slips for patients to complete, if they wish to write down any sensitive information to pass onto our staff. This is in addition to the option to discuss private and sensitive issues with our staff in our quiet room.
  • Produce simple user guides for Anima electronically and on paper and offer support from the Patient Participation Group for new registrations.
  • Give feedback to Anima regarding the insufficient character limit for various text boxes and also request more questionnaires so that issues not currently covered may be included.
  • Continue with awareness and promotion campaigns regarding the services and platforms available to our patients. 

Given careful consideration to all the data and comments submitted, we are confident that our actions taken in response should lead to further improvements. We look forward to continuing to gather data and work with our Patient Participation Group to make changes as and where we can.

One of the patients in the meeting voiced how Yaxley practice is by far the best practice she has ever attended and she has lived in a number of areas in the country. This was agreed by all attending.
Mayor of combined Cambridgeshire & Peterborough is a practicing medic. Suggestion made to contact the Mayor. 

MP discussed. PPG had made contact with Shailesh Vara MP, however since election July 2024, has changed to Labour MP. 


Next Meeting

Next meeting Monday October 7th 2024 18:30 where our speaker will be Suzanne Smith from Asthma and Lung UK on the subject of Understanding and Managing Asthma and will be our AGM

Meeting closed at 7:45pm